Monday, August 18, 2008

Company emails and websites

In my line of work with Small and Medium sized businesses, I'm constantly shocked at how little importance is placed in branding. That said, I think one of the basic requirements that all companies should have no matter how big or small is a corporate email and website.

Can you imagine meeting someone for the first time and having look through their contact details only to discover that they do not have a website and the other cardinal sin, a generic email address such as or

Now, the first thing that comes to mind my mind when I see this is:

Is this person's business as genuine?

Is he/she going to wind up someday or is he/she here for the long term?

Having a website and proper email will help to establish in your customers mind that you are here for the long term. Bear in mind, this is to provide a psychological relief and to instill a sense of confidence in your client that you are serious in your business.

Thus, what are you waiting for? Make sure you have a website running and most of all a proper domain email. Branding wise, it will go a long way.

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